Eyelash Extension Fall Shedding

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Fall shedding is a real thing!! 

This is the time of year when your body naturally starts shedding your warm weather hair to make room for new, thicker growth to get you through the cold winter season.  This shedding also includes your Eyelashes and Brow hair and it tends to start at the end of September and throughout the month of October.  This can affect your eyelash extension retention because your natural lashes are falling out faster than normal.  This can result in needed fills sooner however; your lash cycle will eventually level out in November.  One way that we can help you during this season and prevent your eyelash extensions from falling out sooner is to go lighter.  We know you love a think and full set of lash extensions but if we go lighter this means your lashes will last through your shed saving you time and money.